Back----------------------Imperial Capital Ships------------------------

09-14-2000 - 17:00:51

Assault Shuttle (assault_shuttle.rsc, 47 kb) by Venix
The assault shuttle is one of the most heavily shielded and armored vessels in the Imperial fleet. It's primary task is to ferry Zero G stromtroopers aboard engaged vessels.
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Blitzkrieg (blitzkrieg.rsc, 44 kb) by Venix
The Blitzkrieg cruiser is a very odd looking starship, wich was constructed by Kuat driveyards. It was originally designed to be a cargo freighter, but when it turned out to be a very promising warship, Kuat desided to keep it that way.
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Darkknight Corvette (darkknight.rsc, 38 kb) by Venix
The Darkknight corvette is the imperial answer to the Venture corvette. It is much faster but not nearly as heavy-ly armed. They are probably the fastest capitalships in the known galaxy.
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Demolator mk2 (demolator.rsc, 45 kb) by Venix
When the Empire needed a anti starfighter platform, there where two starships who tried to aquire that position: the lancer frigate and the Demolator frigate. The Lancer later won the position of anti starfighter frigate, because of it's higher speed and cheaper maintainance. After their defeat, Seinar, the designers of the Demolator Frigate, started working on a new and improved version of the Demolator. It is now finished and it pushed the Lancer away from the position of best anti starfighter warship in the fleet.
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Imperial Light Carrier (lightcarrier.rsc, 36 kb) by Venix
The Imperial Light Carrier is the product of a secret researchproject in the Carida system. They are not as big as the older Escort Carriers, but they do carry the same amount of fighters and a better armament. When Carida was destroyed by Kyp Durron, two of these ships where finished, one with the blueprints of these vessels aboard.
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Nightjaw Cruiser (nightjaw.rsc, 38 kb) by Venix
The Nightjaw cruiser is perhaps one of the deadly-est ships in the whole fleet, not because of it's turbo laser batteries, but because of it's huge ion cannons. These ships often work together with Interdictor class starcruisers to prevent the escape of an enemy fleet.
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Raven Gunship (raven.rsc, 47 kb) by Venix
The Raven gunship is , like the Darkknight Corvette, a rip off of a New republic vessel. It is a light gunship built mainly on the hull of an old Marauder Corvette. It's armament is biggerthan that of the Darkknight, but it is also a bit slower.
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Serpent Support Ship (serpent.rsc, 48 kb) by Venix
The Serpent Support Ship is by far the fastest Imperial Support ship. Approximately 200 meters in length, it carries a crew of just overfive hundred and a large amountt of firepower for a ship it's size. It is well suited for a variety of escort and combat missions.
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Shamrock Dreadnought (shamrock.rsc, 40 kb) by Venix
When the Empire took the aging Victory II clas Stardestroyers out of service, they needed a replacement. It didn't take long for Seinar and Kuat to once again join forces and create the Shamrock Dreadnought. It is a true replacement of the victory, because of it's ability to fly in a planets atmosphere, wich was unique to the Victory.
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Sunfire (sunfire.rsc, 41 kb) by Venix
Sunfire Shuttles are cheap shuttles who are as good at attacking lightly defended systems as they are at defending their own.
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Violance Destroyer (violancedestroyer.rsc, 42 kb) by Venix
The Violance class Star Destroyer is the newest Super Star destroyer. Being only 3 Km long, it is the smallest Super Star Destroyer in the Imperial fleet. They often serve as escort ships for the huge Eclipse and Sovereign class Star Destroyers.
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