Back---------------New Republic Starfighters------------------------

09-13-2000 - 16:47:20

E-wing (e-wingadvance.rfc, 34 kb) by Venix
After the astounding succes of Incom's E-wing Starfighter, the New Republic ordered the E-wing to be Upgraded with the newest technology. With this order the New Republic created the E-wing Advance, a high speed interception starfighter,complete with the newest weapon technology, Hyperdrive and deflector shielding.
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H-wing (h-wing.rfc, 39 kb) by Venix
After the Y-wings became obsolete, The New Rpublic was in desparete need of a small and fast Fighter-Bomber. They ordered Incom Coorporation to design a new Starfighter, wich was to be as succesful as the rugged Y-wing Starfighter. Incom came with the design of the H-wing, a small fast and extremely rugged fighter-bomber, wich features a 360 degrees rotatable turret.
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Lancer (lancerbomber.rfc, 33 kb) by Venix
After the New Republic scrapped the B-wing, they where in desparete need of a new Bomber. When they put up an order for a new Bomber, all of the big Starfighterproducers , and even some ex-imperial producers, quickly build a prototype. When the New Republic scientists took a look at the prototypes, and they immediatly picked the Lancer Bomber, wich, according to the scientists, is the best New Republic Bomber ever build.
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Starchaser (starchaser.rfc, 27 kb) by Venix
The Starchaser is a multi-role starfighter. It is quite similar to the Z-95 Headhunter, but it's performance was slightly better.
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Toscan (toscan.rfc, 30 kb) by Venix
An Advanced space superiority fighter. Altough it's slower and less maneuverable then the X-wing starfighter, the Toscan Fighter is much tougher. It can however outmaneuver a B-wing.
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V-wing (v-wing.rfc, 41 kb) by Venix
Refined Material Cost: 3 Maintenance Cost: 4 Attack Strength (Laser Cannon): 6 Attack Strength (Ion Cannon): 0 Shield Energy: 4 Hyperdrive: Yes The V-Wing is one of the advanced fighters used by the New Republic. It is fairly inexpensive to manufacture. It makes a good interceptor because of its speed and agility. It is also specialized in bomb
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X-2000 (x-2000.rfc, 31 kb) by Venix
Designed by the Incom Corporation, the X-2000 X-wing Advance is a small, single-pilot starfighter with exceptional maneuverability. Mounting 8 laser cannons on the four S-foils, the X-wing Advance can bring an impressive amount of firepower against a single target. The X-wing Advance also mounts an efficient hyperdrive and shield generator, and doesn't require the use of an Astromech droid.
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